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We happily accept exchanges up to 10 days from the original order date.


  • 10 Day Exchanges

  • Exchanges ship back to you at no additional cost (USA)

For exchanges and returns, we require a notarized signature, blood sample, and... just kidding!

Exchanges are easy! Items must be in new sellable condition with all original retail packaging.



  1. Contact us within 10 days of the original order for an Order number.

  2. Fill out the form on the back of the invoice that is included in your shipment, and include the complete invoice in the return package.
    If you do not have your invoice, you can fill out the Shipment question form on website.

  3. Package the item carefully to avoid damage during shipping, and send the package to...
    1607 Madison Ave Charlotte, NC 28216

  4. The cost of exchange shipping is not covered by

  5. Smile! It was easy!


If the exchange does not have an order number and is not in the original condition with all retail packaging, there will be no exchange.


Exchanges for Specials and Free Shipping Orders

The original terms must be met for all specials, sales, discounts, free shipping, and price breaks, or the exchange will reflect the new pricing.
For example, if free shipping was used, the order must still meet the free shipping terms, or the  original shipping charges will be deducted from the return amount.


Exchange Details


  • Item(s) must be in new unused condition with all retail packaging.
    For example, you cannot put a label directly on a shoebox and ship it back to us. The shoes and shoebox must be put inside another box to ship back to us.

  • For exchanges, we will ship your exchange back to you at no additional charge to USA (shipping is not covered for international exchanges).

  • Items are a great deal and, as such, are exchange only. We do not cover any shipping for clearance exchanges.

  • Exchanges will be given in form of original packaging for purchase price only (shipping not refunded).

  • We do not offer exchanges on items returned after the 10-day refund window.

  • The exchange policy does not apply to bulk and special orders. This includes custom bangle requests, as those requests are specially made for you.


Special Circumstances

Sometimes there are special circumstances. Let us know. Remember, we are human and have feelings too. Sugar will get you further than vinegar, and flattery will get you everywhere!

Sometimes we make mistakes (how embarrassing!). If you find a mistake, please contact us so that we can correct it as soon as possible.

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards


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